Complex PCI Master Class 4: Calcification

November 24 (Thu), 4:10 PM ~ 5:10 PM
Main Arena, B2

Moderator(s): Joo-Yong Hahn, Sunao Nakamura
Panelist(s): Hiteshi K.C. Chauhan, Paul TL Chiam, Cho Tek Eric Hong, Wei-Chun Huang, Sang Yeub Lee, Vincent Luk
4:10 PM Practical Approach to the Calcified Lesion PCI
Lecturer: Do-Yoon Kang
4:20 PM Role of Imaging in Calcified Lesion Treatment
Lecturer: Takashi Akasaka
4:30 PM Rotational Atherectomy: Troubleshooting
Lecturer: Michael S. Lee
4:40 PM Eruptive and Non-Eruptive Calcified Nodule
Lecturer: Ziad A. Ali
4:50 PM Q&A and Interactive Discussion